Thursday, July 14, 2011

Today so damn sain ....... OMFG !
even thought i did laugh today but it did not
make it better ... About today its lie hell/heaven
so damn .. ... than today like again _______ ?!
JUNER ! i going siao le ! .......... dot dot dot ....
Juner: _________!!! <3 JUNER !!!!
hahas ! (|:nothing else to say le .... should end here

BYE bye BYE bye BYE bye BYE bye BYE bye BYE

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Me ...?

Hiya ..
erm not sure what to say ! Half way throught the
MYE... Hope that i would pass
all and the result would be 70 or above ...
Sain ! hope hope hopy ... Wishes all of you the result
can get good marks especially History ... :D
See Ya ^ ^

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

H!ie :D Tis is my first post for this blog and i have nothing much to say -.-"erm hope you like the blog and see more stuffs coming up to improve the lamey blog ... Enj0y<3